As a denounce contra APARTHEID, sending also to the International Court, to the Court of the Capital: Budapest, and to the Main State-Attorney at Law of the Hungarian Republic as well. |
1999EL.XIV.1.21/9./PMB AND 4406579922/2000./APEH The report of the remainder of tax is completly fals!
Attached files:
1.,) A memorial signed at the Hungarian Scientific Academy on 1st of April of 1998. The State-Measurements' data are document, and prove : that 0,8-1,7 gramms, or sometimes even less potassium is poisoning the kidney and the blood, and has a poisoning-effect of the mucous membrane. The signal of the file is: eml.mta.2 pages copy
2.) A memorial signed at the National Judicial Medical Institute, on 07 of. September in 1998. The memory documented by the memory(1), based on the measureing of the clinical poisoning , it confirms that the called quantity of potassium endangers the health of the people through the whole country. The signal of the file is Eml.IOI. one page copy.
3.) "There is too much potassium" (Deforms the human cells). Declaration of the New Word of Bratislava (Pozsonyi Új Szó). Jan Královich and Szénási published the data of the Slovak Scientific Academy's Experimental Plant-pathology- and Insect- Institute, with concrete explanning about the micro- and macro-effects of the overdosis of the potasium, which is the cause of the cell-deformity and the infertility, sterility. (17. issue, 16 of September 1988.) One page copy
4.) Tejfalussy András, a retorsion because of the exposure, reveal of the APARTHEID. "My dear Friend" ("Kedves Barátom") Sunday of the Hungarians (Magyarok Vasárnapja). 1st of April 2000.
1., Undersigned Tibor VERESS dipl. ing agriculture, journalist, editor of radio and tv-programmes (1088 Budapest, Gutenberg tér 4.), against the juridical persons and their employees, who are insisting to use an enforcement as well, in the affair, and case of the damage, harm, and injury to me and my family, and my associates, based on the civil and constitutional rights to launche an impeachement-apropose, and constitutional rights to inclusion, comprisal: I propose an impeachement, and we declaire and bring an action against using enforcement as the follows:
2., We declaire by the way: the measuring expert, András TEJFALUSSY the leader of the Agrianalisis Scientific Society's Center of Controlling Economy and Environment, in the deciding in this actual procedure, as he is interested in using the results of his measurements, therefore beside of Tibor VERESS, as an impeachement-apropose associate , and as an intervening person stands for against the authority which covers the apartheid.
3., This present impeachement-apropose, and action against using enforcement is declaired first: against the Hungarian State, secondly against the health- and retiring-insurrance institutes, thirdly against their collect-men, against the APEH (Tax and Finance Controll Institute), fourthly against the leaders of these institutes (who are organizing effectively these damages). Their aiding employees, because of their messed up office work, unreadable signatures, from outside - in the most of the cases - cant be identificated, and even for this must be call the leaders to account, by the law.
4., We are asking the persones who are committed the crime, let them call to account responsible in the case of organizing, doing apartheid, and aiding them, and also we ask, the whole damage they caused to me and us, must be payed on behalf of the Hungarian State, based on its whole responsibility, on the same level as in the USA, where they account for a person, for his damaged health, in the USA there was adjudge 8.8 million USD as compensation, at thw Court of Washington.. I ask, this sume must be the base, when they calculate, because it is forbidden to make difference beetween the health of the american, and hungarian people. First we ask the sentence of those who were commited the crime APARTHEID. Only after it the Court measure the damage caused by potassium-salt (KCl), and comprisal it into the debt we ocasionly have to the State, and the APEH (Tax and Finance Controll Institute), whiches get the insurrance-amounts for just an opposite-aim. Also we ask, the present request must be registered as a comprise proposal against the enforthing of the APEH (Tax and Finance Controll Institute), because for crime, nor the APEH has right to collect insurrance-amounts so called "as a tax".
5., The base of our impeachement against the National Health Cash-desk, the Hungarian State and their recovery office (APEH-Tax and Finance Controll Institute) is that the health and retiring-insurrance-money was and is payed for to make wronger the Hungarians' health, and we have to break this APARTHEID. This is an obligatory averting of damage, without an empowering administration, where we have the base of our finance demand : Civil Code (PTK): 484-487 §, as an empowered demand. By the way, together with the Agrianalisis Scientific Society, the averted damage is equal with the state income-surplus, our demand is 1 % of this amount, what we declaire by this way, as legal reservation.
6., The results of the attached files: (1., - Scientific Academy), the (2., - National Judicial Medical Institute), document, and verify the fact, that we, Hungarians were overdosised with potassium, which makes wronger the kidney-function, and so, it makes wronger the metabolism of every human cell. Using foreign experiment's results we know: also deform the descendant cells, and those organizm which are form an organ and/or organism, living structure. And not only ours, but also our descendents sons' bodies as well (3), and this is an APARTHEID, because only we suffer such damage. Those persons, who eat kosher (bio)foods, ab ovo can't be poisonned (by the potassium mixed into the artificial fertilizer, and the potassium mixed into the nonkosher salts and foods). Only those habitants, were and are poisonned, who can't get nonpoisonned plants, and nonpoisonned foods and drinks. It is justice to ask health-insurrance, and retiring-insurrance-money, who eat and drink the kosher salted foods and drinks. The minister-answering-writers (number: 8253) of the Parliament, and those, who were voted on it on 8th of December in 1992, and also the authors of the fals expert-opinion (number : 10-175/ETT/IB/1993), those who also were used it, (attorneys, policemen, judges, etc.) all these state-employeed we denounce, because of falsification of official document, misus its authority, APARTHEID, deception, complicity, etc.,
7.,We attache our documents (1)(2)(3)(4) for the measuring-verification of the APARTHEID caused by potassium-overdosis, we also report the attorney because they they refused the fact finding, what is a complicity. Even the Attorney at law is obligated to stand up against the APARTHEID by the law: Ist. 1973., because it is improved in the attached documents.
Yours sincerelly: VERESS, Tibor
8., Agreeing, as an impeachement-apropose associate, and as an intervening, on behalf of myself, my society, our sub-enterprenehurs, and representing our clients' interests as well, and against all kinds of the claims of the APEH/TB (Tax and Finance Controll Institute / National Health-Insurrance Institute) we declaire an impeachement-apropose, also because the APEH and Finance Controll Institute aids and abbetts against us, at the OTP (National Savings Bank), which is deceives a tax-account. This state-retorsion is improved at the APEH, by tax-accounts.
Yours sincerelly: TEJFALUSSY András Budapest,
2000-07-04. Copy/ President of the APEH and
Open letter/INTERNET